For appointments call 01 66 00 236


Acute Illnesses

We offer same day appointments for acute illnesses such as sore throats, urinary tract infections, earache, wounds requiring suturing and much more.

Ballsbirdge Medical Dublin 4 Acute Illnesses

Well Person Checkups

This involves a health checkup, breast/prostate examination, blood tests and a blood pressure check.

Well Person Checkupsin Ballsbridge Dublin 4


Treatment for a wide variety of skin rashes to include: acne, eczema, psoriasis and hair disorders, and other conditions.

Dermatologist Ballsbridge Dublin 4

Antenatal/Postnatal Care

This practice is approved by the HSE to provide antenatal care under the Mother and Child scheme.

Antenatal and Postnatal care at Ballsbridge Medical in Dublin 4

Family Planning

Pill checks, Implanon insertion, Mirena fitting and all advice pertaining to contraception.

Family planning at Ballsbridge Medical Centre Dublin 4

Cervical Smears

Cervical smears are free between the ages of 25-60. Please register at to obtain your ID number.

Smears can be performed outside of these age limits if considered necessary.

Cervical Check in Ballsbridge Dublin 4

Childhood Vaccinations

We carry out all routine childhood immunisations. The recommended vaccines are given at 2, 4, 6, 12 and 13 months.

We also provide the chickenpox vaccine.

Childhood Vaccinations available at Ballsbridge Medical in Dublin 4

Travel Vaccinations

We are a designated Yellow Fever vaccine clinic.  Vaccines provided include Hepatitis A and B, Typhoid, Diphtheria, Polio and Rabies. We also provide prescriptions for malaria prophylaxis.

Travel Vaccinations at Ballsbridge Medical in Dublin 4

Cervical Cancer Vaccines

We provide vaccination of young women against HPV to prevent cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer vaccines at Ballsbridge Medical in Dublin 4

Minor Surgery

Minor surgery including the removal of irregular moles, cysts and skin tags, also the incision and drainage of abscesses and cysts. Cryotherapy is also included for treatment of warts, verrucae, skin tags etc. Most procedures are covered by VHI, Aviva or Laya health insurance. You must make an appointment with the doctor first who will assess and advise on whether surgery is necessary.

Minor surgery including the removal of irregular moles, cysts and skin tags, also the incision and drainage of abscesses and cysts.

24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitoring

This investigation is performed to accurately diagnose if high blood pressure exists as many people suffer from high blood pressure in the clinical setting but not at home. It is also used for monitoring how well your blood pressure is controlled on treatment.

24 Hour blood pressure monitoring Ballsbridge Dublin 4

STI screening

We provide screening for sexually transmitted diseases to include chlamydia, gonorrhoea, HIV, Hepatitis B, syphilis.

STI screening

Haemochromatosis testing

This can be investigated if you have raised iron levels indicating abnormal storage.  Gene testing takes approximately eight weeks.

Haemochromatosis Testing at Ballsbridge Medical in Dublin 4