For appointments call 01 66 00 236


You can make an appointment by telephoning the practice on 01 66 00 236 or by completing the form below.

Please note that appointments are subject to confirmation when requested online. We will email you to confirm the time of your appointment.

Our clinic in Dublin 4 is open on Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Friday 8:00 to 17:00 and on Thursday 8:00 to 16:00. Should you need medical assistance outside of our opening hours please call EastDoc on 01 22 14 021 (weekdays 6pm – 10pm and weekends & bank holidays 10am – 6pm) or Doctors on Duty on 01453 93 33 (weekdays after 10pm and weekends & bank holidays after 6pm).

    Your Name (required)

    Your Phone (required)

    Your Email

    Date & Time
